Home TV Actress Hindi

Hindi TV Actress



Dinesh Karthik Hindi Cricket
Born: 1 June 1985

Age Now 39

Dinesh Karthik - (Cricket)

Kajal Nishad Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1982

Age Now 42

Kajal Nishad - (TV-Actress)

Pooja Gaur Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1991

Age Now 33

Pooja Gaur - (TV-Actress)

Priya Shinde Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Priya Shinde - (TV-Actress)

Vinod Kapoor Hindi TV-Actor
Born: 1 June 1965

Age Now 59

Vinod Kapoor - (TV-Actor)

Ismail Darbar Hindi Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1964

Age Now 60

Ismail Darbar - (Movie Actor)

Shahzad Ali Hindi Singer
Born: 1 June 1990

Age Now 34

Shahzad Ali - (Singer)

Anjjan Bhattacharya Hindi Composer
Born: 1 June 1973

Age Now 51

Anjjan Bhattacharya - (Composer)


Tv Actress Renowned People

 A Hindi female actress acts in a TV show where the main language is spoken is Hindi. The roles of these TV actresses may vary from a positive role to a negative role. They can be rich or poor or young or old. They may even act in other TV shows from other regional industries. There is no specific age limit on them and depends on their role in the TV show. They also star in TV advertisements and endorse various products. Some Hindi actresses perform for Bollywood and regional singers in music videos.

Many Hindi soap actresses start out their career in TV shows and then later on act in Bollywood movies. The actresses who do act in films promote their films by attending live events and interacting with fans on social media. They might even direct, co-direct, produce or co-produce episodes of TV series. Some even start out as child actors and go on to act in other TV shows.Â