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Kannada Movie Actor Ramesh Bhat
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Ramesh Bhat is the most familiar face in Kannada television and movies. Ramesh Bhat started his career dabbling in theatre with groups like Nataranga, Spandana and Benaka.

The actor once known for his close association with Shankar Nag Shankar Nag, most influential and talented Kannada >> Read More... slowly made his way  into  television much to his fans delight.

The actor made his debut in Kannada movie Minchina Ota and went on to act in a number of movies like Nodi Swamy Navirodu Heege, Ganeshana Maduve, Gauri Ganehsa, Ganesha Subramanya etc. He was mainly known for his comedy roles which he acted with aplomb.

He continues to be part of the film industry with movies like  Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna   and is currently filming for Thandana Thandana.The talented actor then ventured into direction with his movie Parameshi Prema Prasanga.The movie went on to be nominated for National Awards in 1983.

During the advent of Doordarshan he slowly made his presence felt on the small screen by acting in the much loved comedy serial Crazy Colonel Crazy Colonel is a television series that is aired >> Read More... and went on to assist the shooting of Malgudi Days.

The actor has 300 films to his credit and has been a industry veteran as he has spent 35 years in the film industry .The actor has won the State Award for his supporting role in Uyyale


Born: 1 June 1983

Age Now 41

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Age Now 37

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Age Now 44

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Age Now 30

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Age Now 25

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