Home Playback Singer Malayalam

Malayalam Playback Singer


Chippy Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1975

Age Now 49

Chippy - (Producer)

Miss Kumari Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1932

Lived For 36 Years

Miss Kumari - (Movie Actress)

T. M. Abraham Malayalam Director
Born: 1 June 1949

Age Now 75

T. M. Abraham - (Director)

Listin Stephen Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1986

Age Now 38

Listin Stephen - (Producer)

Durga Viswanath Malayalam Singer
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Durga Viswanath - (Singer)

Anvar Ali Malayalam Story Writer
Born: 1 June 1966

Age Now 58

Anvar Ali - (Story Writer)

Binu Sadanandan Malayalam Director
Born: 1 June 1980

Age Now 44

Binu Sadanandan - (Director)


Playback Singer

A playback singer is a singer whose voice is recorded in a song which is later used in a movie.The actors/actress lip sync on the song while the voice of a playback singer is played in the background.A playback singer is often the voices which are famous rather than the singer itself as they work behind the scene and did not get proper exposure and fame. 

The playback singers have to adopt to various challenges while recording a song like matching the voice with the actor for which the song is being recorded or adopting a totally different voice for certain songs. The playback singers have to struggle for getting an opportunity in the music industry.

The best quality a playback singer can have is a voice which is loved by the audience. The audience sometimes connect to a certain voice so much that the singer becomes popular overnight. Playback singers are very popular now a days since they are getting the proper exposure and recognition from the industry.