Home Lyricist Tamil

Tamil Lyricist


A. C. Murali Mohan Tamil TV-Actor
Born: 1 June 1960

Lived For 53 Years

A. C. Murali Mohan - (TV-Actor)

R Madhavan Tamil Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1970

Age Now 54

R Madhavan - (Movie Actor)

Rajendran Tamil Villain
Born: 1 June 1957

Age Now 67

Rajendran - (Villain)

Besant Nagar Ravi Tamil Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1970

Age Now 54

Besant Nagar Ravi - (Movie Actor)

Bharati Kannan Tamil Director
Born: 1 June 1962

Age Now 62

Bharati Kannan - (Director)

Rakshita Suresh Tamil Singer
Born: 1 June 1998

Age Now 26

Rakshita Suresh - (Singer)

S. Rajendran Tamil Politician
Born: 1 June 1956

Lived For 62 Years

S. Rajendran - (Politician)


Lyricists Are Best Known For Incorporating Feelings Into Beautifully Sentenced Words

Lyricists are best known for incorporating feelings into beautifully sentenced words. They need to ensure the piece is purely original and not copied from other sources. He needs to have a broad mind to create one. Their work is to write a soulful lyrics and submit it to the music composers so that they can put the wording and create great music altogether. They get very creative with their works and sensitive as well.

Lyricists are very ambitious and remain focused on their own artistic works. They usually roam everywhere to get inspired and start writing. They are very concentrated on their lyrics to make it better.

They work very hard on every piece they write. A lyricist indirectly connects with the people’s emotions such as they can either make people laugh or cry, which totally depends on their mood and on their work which they wrote. Some of them are even masters of this field; they write the piece by adding some required musical aspects as well.

They have a unique way of looking into lives and putting them in words, and later it gets formulated into a song which is heard and loved by millions of hearts.