Home Playback Singer Tamil

Tamil Playback Singer


A. C. Murali Mohan Tamil TV-Actor
Born: 1 June 1960

Lived For 53 Years

A. C. Murali Mohan - (TV-Actor)

R Madhavan Tamil Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1970

Age Now 54

R Madhavan - (Movie Actor)

Rajendran Tamil Villain
Born: 1 June 1957

Age Now 67

Rajendran - (Villain)

Besant Nagar Ravi Tamil Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1970

Age Now 54

Besant Nagar Ravi - (Movie Actor)

Bharati Kannan Tamil Director
Born: 1 June 1962

Age Now 62

Bharati Kannan - (Director)

Rakshita Suresh Tamil Singer
Born: 1 June 1998

Age Now 26

Rakshita Suresh - (Singer)

S. Rajendran Tamil Politician
Born: 1 June 1956

Lived For 62 Years

S. Rajendran - (Politician)


The Playback-singer Voice Connects With The Music

A playback singer is the singer who gives the voice to an actor in a film or a music album or singles. The singer and the actor are generally two different people, but there are cases when the two of them can be the same person. The actors are supposed to lip-sync with the song that has been pre-recorded by the play-back singers. These singers are chosen by the music composer based on the genre of the song and the actor who they will voice for.

The phrase “the voice suits the actor” is used for this reason- there are voices which are very close to the original voice of the actor, and hence sounds realistic. Also, there are singers who have mastered specific genres like romantic, folk, dance numbers or Sufi; singers are chosen accordingly. The playback singers don’t appear on the screen, and record the song before it is been shot for the film.

The music composer and the lyricist work together with the singer and the musicians, and the recording is done in the specialised recording studios. They have excellent voice quality and pitch and are generally versatile. Possessing the ability to modulate the voice, the singers are also aware of the basic technicalities related to music recording. They coordinate with the musicians and the actors as well for the purpose of recording the song.