Home Celebrity Birthdays Hindi Born On 09th January 1950


Here are the Bollywood celebrities born on 09th January 1950! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Virendra Razdan

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Afrah Sayed Hindi Actress
Born: 24 April 2000

Age now 24

Afrah Sayed - (Actress)

Ahmed Rushdi Urdu Singer
Born: 24 April 1934

Lived For 48 Years

Ahmed Rushdi - (Singer)

Aidan Gillen English Movie Actor
Born: 24 April 1968

Age now 56

Aidan Gillen - (Movie Actor)

Aloy Deb Barma Hindi Assistant Director
Born: 24 April 1995

Age now 29

Aloy Deb Barma - (Assistant Director)

Antara Lahiri Hindi Editor
Born: 24 April 1981

Age now 43

Antara Lahiri - (Editor)

Anumol RS Malayalam TV-Actress
Born: 24 April 1995

Age now 29

Anumol RS - (TV-Actress)

Aryan Singh Hindi Movie Actor
Born: 24 April 2001

Age now 23

Aryan Singh - (Movie Actor)

Aziz Qureshi Hindi Politician
Born: 24 April 1941

Age now 83

Aziz Qureshi - (Politician)

Barbra Streisand English Movie Actress
Born: 24 April 1942

Age now 82

Barbra Streisand - (Movie Actress)

Choi Jung-Won Korean TV-Actress
Born: 24 April 1981

Age now 43

Choi Jung-Won - (TV-Actress)

Damon Lindelof English Writer
Born: 24 April 1973

Age now 51

Damon Lindelof - (Writer)

Danish Bhat Hindi Movie Actor
Born: 24 April 1987

Age now 37

Danish Bhat - (Movie Actor)

Devi Chandana Malayalam TV-Actress
Born: 24 April 1982

Age now 42

Devi Chandana - (TV-Actress)