Home Producer Malayalam

Malayalam Producer



Chippy Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1975

Age Now 49

Chippy - (Producer)

Miss Kumari Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1932

Lived For 36 Years

Miss Kumari - (Movie Actress)

T. M. Abraham Malayalam Director
Born: 1 June 1949

Age Now 75

T. M. Abraham - (Director)

Listin Stephen Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1986

Age Now 38

Listin Stephen - (Producer)

Durga Viswanath Malayalam Singer
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Durga Viswanath - (Singer)

Anvar Ali Malayalam Story Writer
Born: 1 June 1966

Age Now 58

Anvar Ali - (Story Writer)

Binu Sadanandan Malayalam Director
Born: 1 June 1980

Age Now 44

Binu Sadanandan - (Director)


Producer is a person responsible for financing the movie project

A producer is a person responsible for financing the movie project. The producer is responsible for arranging all the resources needed for the making of the movie. A director approaches a producer with the proposal of a movie and if the producer sees an opportunity of making good business, then the producer decides to invest money in the project.

The producer may have a lot of influence in the movie from picking the lead actor/actress to picking the music as well. Many producers are often involved in directing the movie as well as acting as the lead for the movie. Producers pay all the fees to the cast & crew for the project and all the expenses caused in the movie project and get the profit made by the movie on the box office.

The producers of any movie also earn money through selling satellite rights and music rights to various companies.