Home Supporting Actor

Supporting Actor



Dinesh Karthik Hindi Cricket
Born: 1 June 1985

Age Now 39

Dinesh Karthik - (Cricket)

Kajal Nishad Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1982

Age Now 42

Kajal Nishad - (TV-Actress)

Chippy Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1975

Age Now 49

Chippy - (Producer)

Saloni Aswani Telugu Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Saloni Aswani - (Movie Actress)

Pooja Gaur Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1991

Age Now 33

Pooja Gaur - (TV-Actress)

Priya Shinde Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Priya Shinde - (TV-Actress)

Vinod Kapoor Hindi TV-Actor
Born: 1 June 1965

Age Now 59

Vinod Kapoor - (TV-Actor)


Being A Day Player Is Different

A supporting actor is someone who plays a lesser important role to the hero or heroine in the film or TV show. He is also called as ‘day player’ or side character. He acts as the right hand of the main lead. He could act as the best friend or a male relative or an important family member or even the male villain in the film or drama. He could also be a sidekick to the hero in the film.

Supporting actors can play other roles such as a friend or villain but they are still known as supporting actors after the main actor or lead in the film. Supporting actor is not necessarily related to the main lead but is important to the film plot. He is an important character for helping the audience understand the lead actor better. There could be many supporting actors in a film depending on the story. They are supposed to be there for the main lead in times of need in certain matters.

Many award shows have now understood the importance of supporting actors and have started to honor them separately. Supporting actors are awarded for their work and acting as good as the main lead.