Home Movie Actress

Movie Actress



Zarina Roshan Khan Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 3 June 1966

Lived For 53 Years

Zarina Roshan Khan - (TV-Actress)

Aparna Kumar Hindi Model
Born: 3 June 1983

Age Now 41

Aparna Kumar - (Model)

IshQ Bector Hindi Singer
Born: 3 June 1982

Age Now 42

IshQ Bector - (Singer)

R. Radha Tamil Movie Actress
Born: 3 June 1965

Age Now 59

R. Radha - (Movie Actress)

Poonam Narula Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 3 June 1976

Age Now 48

Poonam Narula - (TV-Actress)

Surilie Gautam Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 3 June 1987

Age Now 37

Surilie Gautam - (TV-Actress)

Ahmed Khan Hindi Choreographer
Born: 3 June 1974

Age Now 50

Ahmed Khan - (Choreographer)


Fame follows Movie Actress

A movie actress is an artist who works in the film industry. The artist works as an actor who performs a particular role assigned to her. The actress would normally play roles to earn an amount and for fame in the industry. The movie actresses work with other actors to make their performance look live. Movie actresses are those specific set of actresses who work specifically in movies. The shoot as per schedules and then promote their movies. They are signed by specific directors to work for a specific script.

They gather fame and become celebrities. They have a large amount of fan following and people follow them and idolise them. Besides this, in award shows etc, movie actresses also dress up in a manner that they set different trends. The fans follow what their stars wear and how they carry themselves and therefore, they also become a good way to set trends in the country. However, whatever they do on the sets is highly professional and is paid for. Anything and everything they do becomes a news and people love knowing about it. This is where the craze for the actresses comes in and as their work becomes better, their fans keep increasing.