Home Host Tamil

Tamil Host


A. C. Murali Mohan Tamil TV-Actor
Born: 1 June 1960

Lived For 53 Years

A. C. Murali Mohan - (TV-Actor)

R Madhavan Tamil Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1970

Age Now 54

R Madhavan - (Movie Actor)

Rajendran Tamil Villain
Born: 1 June 1957

Age Now 67

Rajendran - (Villain)

Besant Nagar Ravi Tamil Movie Actor
Born: 1 June 1970

Age Now 54

Besant Nagar Ravi - (Movie Actor)

Bharati Kannan Tamil Director
Born: 1 June 1962

Age Now 62

Bharati Kannan - (Director)

Rakshita Suresh Tamil Singer
Born: 1 June 1998

Age Now 26

Rakshita Suresh - (Singer)

S. Rajendran Tamil Politician
Born: 1 June 1956

Lived For 62 Years

S. Rajendran - (Politician)


Hosts Are The Presenters Who Present The Show In Front Of The Viewers

Hosts are the presenters who present the show in front of the viewers. The job is to keep on entertaining the audience and anchoring the whole show. They are the ones to take a show forward. They can also be actors, models, directors or comedians such as Kapil Sharma (comedian and host) and Karan Johar (a director and a host as well) whereas some make their identity through this only.

They expertise in communicating with the audience, commencing on the spot fun or any related events. A Host’s main challenge is to manage the whole setup without any script, engage the audience, or distract them by performing various tasks or cracking some jokes when there’s any technical problem in the show.

Hosts are of different types such as news hosts, reality show hosts, stage show hosts, concerts host, and political hosts, etc. They all need to know almost everything going around.

A host needs to play different roles in different places. They need to be fluent in the language they need to speak in front of the audience. A host also knows how to play the words accordingly. A host can work through various platforms, let it be television or radio or via the internet.