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Tamil Movie Actor Rathan Mouli
  • DOB : 06-06
  • Gender : Male
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Rathan Mouli is an Indian film artist who is well-known for his work in Tamil movies. He was born on 6 June, in Tamil Nadu, India. He completed his schooling from Government Model High School and later moved to Chennai for higher education. Rathan was an intelligent student. He always used to top in his class. Though, he was quite mischievous too. Apart from his studies, Rathan Mouli was interested in taking parts in dramas and theater-related works. As a kid, he used to watch ‘Nukkad-Natak’ a lot. As he grew up, he started taking part in them too. In college, he was the member of college’s Theatre club. During his college days, he with his friends made many short films and won many prizes in various competitions.

His college teams used to take part in various competitions, and he used to be the lead artist of the drama they played. He also did many modeling assignments for local magazines side by side. After completing his college, he started looking for work in film industry. After a lot of struggle, he was finally chosen for a role in “Unnaiye Kaadhalippen,” directed by Shivaji Das AR, starring Rathan Mouli and Bhagya Anjali. This movie was his debut movie as a lead actor. After that, he worked in “ Karumpuli Click to look into! >> Read More... ,” a Tamil action-drama film directed by Parmeshwar, starring Rathan Mouli, Mahesh Raja Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Varsha, and Prachi Adhikari. This movie proved to be a big break for this young actor. Due to some censor board issue, the movie was made viral, and people loved the job done by all the artists in the movie.

Rathan Mouli’s work was well appreciated, and he was offered various jobs after that. Later, he worked in “13 Aam Pakkam Parkka”, a horror movie directed by Pughazhmani, starring Rathan Mouli and Sri Priyanka Sri Priyanka is a budding Tamil movie actress. She >> Read More... . In 2016, director Pughazhmani offered him to play the role of Saravanan in his movie “Vellikizhamai 13 am Thethi,” a horror film starring opposite to Suza Kumar Suza Kumar was born on 16th September,1993. She is >> Read More... . His performances were appreciated by everyone. Later, he played a role of Muthupandi, in “Arasakulam,” a Tamil drama-thriller directed by Kumar Maran Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , starring Rathan Mouli and Nayana Nair Nayana Nair is an Indian-Singer. She mainly works >> Read More... . This was his first release of 2017. He is currently working in Malli and Sei (a) Sethumadi. Sei (a) Sethumadi, is a Tamil movie directed by V.K. Bhoomi, which is said to be released by end of this summer. Both of the movies include Rathan Mouli and Yenna Priyadhe, and their production began in 2013.


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